Brian Neaman

Hershey’s – S’more-ccasions

Farmer’s Insurance – Rest In Peace (Of Mind)

White Castle – Crave Clutch

Quaker – Really Gosh Darn Tasty

NextStar – Talking To Pets

FanDuel – Santa Chuck

Panera – When The Craving Hits

Volvo – What The Truck

Brian cut his comedy teeth as a rostered editor at Crew Cuts before forging a fruitful career behind the camera. It wasn’t long before he earned himself an AICP Award shortlist and a SHOOT New Directors Showcase nod. A master of comedic timing, Brian shoots to edit, and has lent his talents to campaigns for the likes of Pepsi, HP, Hershey’s, and Chevrolet. When he’s not on set or in a windowless edit suite, Brian enjoys strolling the beaches of Montauk with his wife and kids.